Welcome to Dianna's webpage.

It has been provided to keep friends and family updated on her life with Fanconi anemia (FA).

Dianna was diagnosed with FA in April 1998.

FA causes aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure), as well as many different types of cancers.

She had a few of the obvious signs of FA: missing both thumbs, deaf in her right ear, very small for her age, and had corrective surgery at birth on her intestines.

Dianna had a sibling donor bone marrow transplant at Medical City Dallas, TX.

Transplant date: October 1, 2008

Dianna went to heaven September 1, 2009


126 Edgewood Dr.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Phone #: 972-436-4816

Normal Blood Count Range:
White blood count: (normal 4.5-13.5)
Red blood count: (normal 4.0-5.20)
HGB: (normal 11.5-15.5)
Platelets: (normal 140-440)
ABS NEUT#: (normal 1.50-6.50)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day + 242

The doctors and nurses are calling Dianna-- Wonder Girl/Super Girl.
She is doing so much better today. :-)
Dianna is off the oscillator and back on the regular ventilator.
She is still receiving dialysis every other day and fluid pull on the opposite days.
Her blood pressure is much better-- still on a little blood pressure medication.
All Dianna's labs are good except for something in her vent tube...
the doctors are trying some different medications to try to get rid of the bacteria.
This morning Dianna had to have a blood clot removed from her leg...
but the surgeon said that it looked OK and did not think it had an infection.
**Keep the prayers coming...
I know that is WHY Dianna is still here with us!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day + 238

Thank you for all the prayers!!!
Dianna is doing a little better.
Today the doctors are surprised at how much better her blood pressure is doing.
(Not having all the drastic ups and downs)
The blood pressure seems to be staying much more stable today. :-)
And the x-ray of her lungs looks better. :-)
Please keep the prayers coming!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day + 236

Dianna is NOT doing well...
Last night her blood pressure began going up and down-
The doctor ordered a sonogram of her heart to be sure there was not a problem.
It looked OK.
Also ordered a sonogram of her gallbladder to be sure there was not a problem.
It looked OK.
The doctors have run many different blood tests.
But- the only thing that has shown up is the Rhino virus.
And- the fluid in her lungs (from the x-rays and scope)
It seems that Dianna's body is shutting down.
This morning, Monday--
the doctors said that I need to think about our next step with Dianna...
there is not much more that they can do and feel if her heart stops that we should just let her go...
Dianna is in kidney failure (dialysis), lung failure (breathing machine), and now it looks like problems with her liver and heart are beginning.
But I do not want her to suffer!
Please God take care of my baby!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day + 231

This past week Dianna seemed to be doing a little better...
The wound care nurse said that her skin is looking much better
and many of her wounds/incisions have healed.
Dianna was awake most of the weekend. :-)
She was mouthing words and shaking her head- yes & no.
Dianna continues to receive dialysis every other day--
then the opposite days they just remove the extra fluid from her body.
(this is so the doctors can continue to give her extra feeds & medications, without her body becoming too swollen)
BUT --
Monday night Dianna bit through her breathing tube...
The doctors had hoped that they could just remove it and leave it out.
Unfortunately her breathing was not good enough-
so Dianna had another tube inserted into her nose Tuesday morning.
The doctors did an x-ray to be sure it was in the correct position and found that she had fluid and a possible infection in her lungs. :-(
Next another specialist was called in to put a scope down to look in her lungs--
he said that he saw some flem on the left side and took a sample.
NOW today, Wednesday- the x-ray shows something on the right lung! :-(
It looks like tomorrow, Thursday- Dianna will have another scope and they will get a sample from the right lung. :-(
*PLEASE PRAY that the procedure on Thursday goes smoothly and that it is nothing serious.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day + 223 & Granny's Surgery

Dianna had the extra fluid removed.
(This is so the doctor can up the amount of nutrition Dianna is receiving--
to help with her wound/skin healing)

*Granny is in pain.

Dianna's day is about the same as Sunday, except
today she had Hemo dialysis.
*Granny had surgery today--
she had to have a plate and screws inserted into her arm. :-(
Today, Dianna had the extra fluid removed.
*Granny had therapy twice today.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day + 220

Dianna had Hemo dialysis today--
it went smoothly...
BUT the doctor believes she might have an infection in her Peritoneal.
(Running more tests!)
Dianna has an infection in her Peritoneal Catheter! :-(
The doctors want to remove the catheter ASAP,
to keep the bacteria from getting into her blood stream.
Dianna did well with the surgery--
the doctors put her on antibiotics to be sure the bacteria does not spread.
and they are keeping her sedated for the next few days till her wound begins to heal.
Going up to visit Dianna after surgery...
Granny (my Mom) fell AND fractured her arm!!!!!! :-(
NOW I have two from my family at Medical City Dallas!
I spent all day running back and forth between Dianna's room and my mother's room.
Dianna had Hemo dialysis again today.
Granny has been in a lot of pain!
She will need surgery on her arm next week...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day + 217

Dianna was on CVVH dialysis and did well, except
for Monday night when she was taken off-- she got a fever for a few hours.
Also-- she had a feeding tube inserted into her nose.
She is doing OK with the tube--
the doctors are wanting to get her stomach and bowels working again.
Dianna had Hemo dialysis today, but it did not work...
her blood pressure dropped too low, so she had to stop the dialysis.
The doctor is reducing the amount of medications to keep her sedated and
the amount of TPN; but increasing the amount of her feeding tube.
Dianna had a fever again tonight.
Dianna had Hemo dialysis again today and she did much better.
Reduced-- the amount of sedation and TPN.
Increased-- the amount of feeding tube.
**Still praying for MORE good days!**

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day + 212

This has been a long week...
Dianna had PD only and it worked fine at a low concentration.
The doctor increased the concentration and fluid amount of the PD...
The wound care nurse was working on Dianna and rolled her on the PD Catheter.
When I returned from lunch, Dianna's nurse said that she was retaining fluid.
But-- when I looked at her catheter bandage-- it was wet and the pad under her was totally wet.
The nurse did not realize that the fluid was leaking from Dianna's incision around the catheter.
The wound care nurse had caused the incision around the catheter to tear.
Now Dianna must stop the PD.
Hopefully the PD will work after her incision around the catheter heals AGAIN.
The doctor said she should wait a week or two before she tries PD.
Dianna had to begin regular dialysis today...
She did fine except for her blood did not clot well when finished and Dianna had some bleeding till she was given medication to help her blood clot.
Today was fairly quiet...
Dianna was able to get a little rest today.