Welcome to Dianna's webpage.

It has been provided to keep friends and family updated on her life with Fanconi anemia (FA).

Dianna was diagnosed with FA in April 1998.

FA causes aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure), as well as many different types of cancers.

She had a few of the obvious signs of FA: missing both thumbs, deaf in her right ear, very small for her age, and had corrective surgery at birth on her intestines.

Dianna had a sibling donor bone marrow transplant at Medical City Dallas, TX.

Transplant date: October 1, 2008

Dianna went to heaven September 1, 2009


126 Edgewood Dr.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Phone #: 972-436-4816

Normal Blood Count Range:
White blood count: (normal 4.5-13.5)
Red blood count: (normal 4.0-5.20)
HGB: (normal 11.5-15.5)
Platelets: (normal 140-440)
ABS NEUT#: (normal 1.50-6.50)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dianna's HOME!

(Sorry that I have not updated lately- trying to get in a routine at HOME.) :-)

**E-mail to friends from Daddy Bret...
This e-mail passes along good news, at 2:10PM yesterday (Tuesday March 3, 2009) Dianna rolled out of Medical City Dallas (rolled down to the car in a wagon).

Picture attached.

Got her home late yesterday afternoon, this experience was reminiscent of bringing new babies home for the first day, every twitch, noise, or action warranted analysis, but we got through the night and mama got some well deserved rest in her own bed.

We will be on a rigid schedule of follow up visits, enough medications to stock our own pharmacy and twice daily blood pressure checks, but that beats being in the hospital hands down.

Once again I pass along thanks to the huge number of family members and friends that kept up the prayers and positive thoughts, your love and support played a large roll in keeping us going and we thank you.

I am sure Nanette will put some news on the blog as time goes on and Dianna gets her strength back so keep looking for updates.

Bret L. Foster


Momma Bear said...

Oh! Happy Day! Happy Day!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,

Wesley's Mom said...

That is so wonderful! Keep healing Miss Dianna!

Charisse said...

Such wonderful news!!!! Yay! Praise the Lord!!!! Way to go, Dianna! You have done a great job too, Nanette!
Love Charisse

Elias! said...

So Happy to hear that she is home and things are settling in nicely. Best wishes for continued and rapid improvement and strength for Mom & Dad!!

Unknown said...

Dianna & Family,
You guys did it! I have been waiting to hear some great news, it made me cry w/ tears of joy for you guys. I am so happy for you guys. And I know that you all are glad to be out of the hospital and back home. Yeah Dianna!!!!!
Love and hugs,