Welcome to Dianna's webpage.

It has been provided to keep friends and family updated on her life with Fanconi anemia (FA).

Dianna was diagnosed with FA in April 1998.

FA causes aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure), as well as many different types of cancers.

She had a few of the obvious signs of FA: missing both thumbs, deaf in her right ear, very small for her age, and had corrective surgery at birth on her intestines.

Dianna had a sibling donor bone marrow transplant at Medical City Dallas, TX.

Transplant date: October 1, 2008

Dianna went to heaven September 1, 2009


126 Edgewood Dr.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Phone #: 972-436-4816

Normal Blood Count Range:
White blood count: (normal 4.5-13.5)
Red blood count: (normal 4.0-5.20)
HGB: (normal 11.5-15.5)
Platelets: (normal 140-440)
ABS NEUT#: (normal 1.50-6.50)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

April 2005 Posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:56 AM CDT

Last night we went to an awards ceremony honoring Dianna & some other child in the school district. The invite stated:
The Lewisville Independent School District is proud to recognize your child for his/her school performance during 2004-2005. Your child has been selected to receive this honor based on "Positive attitude, perserverance, effort, courtest to peers and teachers, following school rules, and use of time".
Dianna received a trophy for this award. She was so excited!
We also attended a LHS Varsity Baseball Game last night. Dianna's brother, Nicolaus got to throw out the first pitch. He was chosen by his principle to represent the school. Nicolaus was excited too! Granny & Pawpaw came down from Oklahoma to see both activities. We are very proud of both Dianna & Nicolaus! :-)

Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:44 AM CDT

Dianna & Nicolaus attended their cousin Derek's swim birthday party today. After the party we went to eat pizza & cake. They had a GREAT time, but very tired. Dianna & Nicolaus did not want to go home. They love to visit their cousins- Derek & Madison!

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