Welcome to Dianna's webpage.

It has been provided to keep friends and family updated on her life with Fanconi anemia (FA).

Dianna was diagnosed with FA in April 1998.

FA causes aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure), as well as many different types of cancers.

She had a few of the obvious signs of FA: missing both thumbs, deaf in her right ear, very small for her age, and had corrective surgery at birth on her intestines.

Dianna had a sibling donor bone marrow transplant at Medical City Dallas, TX.

Transplant date: October 1, 2008

Dianna went to heaven September 1, 2009


126 Edgewood Dr.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Phone #: 972-436-4816

Normal Blood Count Range:
White blood count: (normal 4.5-13.5)
Red blood count: (normal 4.0-5.20)
HGB: (normal 11.5-15.5)
Platelets: (normal 140-440)
ABS NEUT#: (normal 1.50-6.50)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day + 302

Today was NOT a good day!
This morning Dianna had a "Code Blue"--
she stopped breathing and her heart stopped for a couple of minutes.

I was upstairs getting ready to come down to check on Dianna...
(during shift change- no one can go in or out of the ICU from 6:45-8:00)
About 7:55AM- I got a call from one of the nurses asking me to come down right now.
I could tell by the tone of her voice that it was not good.
Then I walked through the double doors of the ICU- I could see the crash cart in front of Dianna's room and a few nurses were standing there crying, saying to me "I am so sorry."
(I thought that Dianna was dead!)
Then I walked into her room it was full of doctors and nurses working on Dianna!
The ICU Doctor that was in charge called me over to her bed-
Everyone had to move around to let me through the crowd.
The doctor said that he got her back after just a couple of minutes.
He said that her breathing tube had gotten kinked, so she stopped breathing and her heart stopped.
Due to the stress on her body from this-
Dianna had to have large doses of Epi & NorEpi most of the day.
The doctors were not sure if she would make it through the day.
BUT- Dianna is doing a little better tonight-
the nurses have been able to reduce the amount of medication to keep her blood pressure up.
PLEASE PRAY that Dianna will pull through this.
She has been such a fighter!

Day + 302

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day + 288

Dianna had another setback on Wednesday...
She had to be put back on the oscillator to help her breath. :-(
This also means that she must have medication that paralyzes her body-
so she does not fight the machine helping her breath.
Dianna had too much fluid in her body and this was putting too much pressure on her lungs.
She was not getting enough oxygen in her body, so the CO2 level was rising.
Dianna was off all her IV drips, but now she is back on several again. :-(
She had dialysis Wednesday, but it was not enough to help her breathing--
today Dianna will have dialysis again.
Dianna is still running a fever. (???)
The doctors have run many, many tests but so far nothing found as to what is causing the fevers.
Please pray that Dianna will not need to be on the oscillator for a long period of time...
that she will not loose the strength that she has gained the past few weeks from physical therapy.
Also- that the fevers will stop and the skin on her leg will continue to heal.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day + 280

This week Dianna is doing OK,
but can not get rid of a fever.
The fever stays around 99.5 to 102.
The doctors have run many tests-
but so far have not found what is causing the fever.
She is on several different antibiotics (???)
I am praying that the doctors find what is causing the fever &/or
the antibiotics work to get rid of the cause for the fever.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day + 274

The nurses got Dianna into a reclining chair! :-)
(The only down side was that Dianna thought that she would be able to go for a ride out of her room-- but she can not with the ventilator still attached.)
Dianna had a surgery to clean/switch out the old temporary dialysis line in her right thigh.
(She had an infection in the plastic line and the doctors were afraid that it would spread to her new dialysis line)
Dianna had surgery to insert the NEW Permanent Dialysis line in to her left thigh.
(The doctor said the surgery to insert the new line went well, but Dianna's skin is still so thin and fragile that it was very difficult to close-- The doctor said that he HOPED that her skin would not tear away from the stitches.)
PLEASE PRAY that Dianna's NEW Dialysis Line works, her skin heals and she does not get another infection.