Welcome to Dianna's webpage.

It has been provided to keep friends and family updated on her life with Fanconi anemia (FA).

Dianna was diagnosed with FA in April 1998.

FA causes aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure), as well as many different types of cancers.

She had a few of the obvious signs of FA: missing both thumbs, deaf in her right ear, very small for her age, and had corrective surgery at birth on her intestines.

Dianna had a sibling donor bone marrow transplant at Medical City Dallas, TX.

Transplant date: October 1, 2008

Dianna went to heaven September 1, 2009


126 Edgewood Dr.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Phone #: 972-436-4816

Normal Blood Count Range:
White blood count: (normal 4.5-13.5)
Red blood count: (normal 4.0-5.20)
HGB: (normal 11.5-15.5)
Platelets: (normal 140-440)
ABS NEUT#: (normal 1.50-6.50)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day + 24

Sorry that I have not updated we had a few bad days...
TUESDAY: Doctors decided to insert a catheter- to help Dianna get some sleep (she is up every 30 minutes to potty)
She woke up once during the night crying from a blood clot in the catheter. :-(
WEDNESDAY: Dianna is getting more sleep, but still having a lot of problems with blood clots.
Still waking up in pain during the night- screaming and crying. :-(
THURSDAY: The catheter came out.
I helped Dianna take a shower and she almost passed out & got sick at her stomach.
Finally, got her back in bed.
Next, the nurses came in to put in a new catheter-
Just as they got the catheter in Dianna began to have a SEIZURE!!!
I was calling her name, but NO RESPONSE!
Other nurse came in the room & the doctors were called.
She had two more- one with Dr. Lenarsky in the room.
They decided to more her to the Ped. ICU for testing and to be watched over night.
Dianna had a CT Scan and lots of blood work and many doctors checking her.
FRIDAY: Dianna was doing much better this morning- so the doctors decided to more her back to the Transplant Floor.
Still more testing to be sure Dianna is OK.
Dianna had an EEG.
She is still having pain from the catheter due to blood clots and bladder spasms- I hope that she will be able to have it removed soon!
SATURDAY: Dianna seems to feel better today. :-)
She is still having the pain, but her urine does not have as much blood in it today. :-)
I hope this means that her bladder is beginning to heal!


Charisse said...

Dear Nanette,
what a number of days you have had! I am sorry that Dianna needed the catheter but I am glad she got a little more sleep. It is difficult when the catheter keeps getting blocked with the blood clots. We will be praying for Dianna's bladder to heal and for her to be back to normal bladder function.
The seizure must have been very frightening for you all...especially you as her mum! Dianna is very brave. I am glad she is back on the transplant floor and doing a bit better. Thanks for the update. I was wondering if everything was going ok due to no updating for a while (((HUGS))). We will continue to pray for you both.
Lots of love,

Unknown said...


We started praying specifically for this latest issue and I am glad to see that it is getting better and you are back in your room! You and your mommy are SO BRAVE!! Keep the faith "Little Darlin" because we are all prayin very diligently for you, your family and the doctors.

We love you,
Kevin, Brenda, Dusty & JP Latham

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you! What a bunch of things going on at once.
We will continue to watch for your updates.
Krisstina, Keith, & Cameron King, Jo ( 18 FA-A) & Jacy (16 FA-A) Box www.caringbridge.org/ks/jojacybox

Donetta said...

Dear Dianna and Nanette,
Well you guys have had a bad few days and nights! I am glad you are doing better. Was hoping they would get the potty time back to normal. I guess everything just takes time to heal. I know you guys are getting tired of the hospital but I am grateful that the hospital is close to home and I know that they have wonderful doctors and nurses taking care of you. God Bless them too! We are praying. You guys have such courage. Jesus loves you.

Judy said...

Dear Nanette, I pray Phil. 4:7 for you and your precious Dianna, as well as the rest of your family. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". And I pray that the power of the Lord will be evident in the wisdom and direction for you and your physcians. That God will be glorified as you rest in His promises!

Ms. Donna said...

Ms. Dianna, Nanette, Brett, and all the siblings,
You have all been in my prayers, I sure hope the sezures stop as well as the blood clots!! You have had so much to deal with, I pray that Dianna gets better and will be able to come home soon!! Can you have visitors yet?
I am still busy watching my grandkids, I sure feel old and worn out these days!
Thanks for keeping everyone informed with the progress as well as the pitfalls.
Hugs and kisses,
Ms. Donna

Time to Design... said...

Dear Nanette & Dianna,

We are praying for you both! So, so, sorry about the big road blocks in your recovery. Dianna you are such a trooper. Pain and feeling yucky are no FUN, but your beautiful smile in all your pictures really inspires us. Lots & lots of love being sent your way.

Brad and your Moroch friends! said...

Good morning Dianna!
We love your new picture and your pretty, smiling face. WOW, you've had some tough days! We wanted to make sure that you know that there are a BUNCH of people up here that are thinking about and praying for you EVERY day. Hope you have a good day, and we'll blog ya again soon!

michele.hoover said...

Nannette -

My gosh my heart just goes out to you and Dianna. I hopr that Dianna's days get better each and every day. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.


GodsGirl said...
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GodsGirl said...

Hello Nan and Dianna, I am a prayer partner/warrior of Jean Campbell. Please know that God holds his precious child, Dianna, in His hands. We will continue steadfast in prayer and intercession for you all. For peace that surpasses all understanding, for continued courage, for blessed assurance and for total and complete restoration of health and well-being. We praise God for the miracles He has already performed and for those He is working on our behalf. Amen. Vivian Jackson.

Momma Bear said...


I'm so sorry that the storm hit all at once! Hang in there and "Hold on to Jesus and Ride Out Your Storm!"

Blessings and Bear Hugs,

3BoyMom said...

Hi Nanette,

I am so sorry that Dianna (and you!) have had such a tough time lately. I continue to pray for her complete healing, and look forward to better days ahead for all of you. I miss you!


Teresa said...

Catching up...

That is so scary about the seizures. I hope they are able to figure out what is causing it. Poor Dianna! I can't imagine the fear you must have felt.

You guys are in our prayers. We hope things continue to improve.


Donetta said...

Hi there!
I was so happy to read the new update. I am thankful you are doing better. I am grateful for your doctors, for each bump you hit they have something to help you get over!! I know you are ready for fewer bumps, right? I am thinking of you guys everyday and sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Thanks for sending the updates. Love your smile. Hugs and hugs to you and Mom. Jesus loves you. Love