Welcome to Dianna's webpage.

It has been provided to keep friends and family updated on her life with Fanconi anemia (FA).

Dianna was diagnosed with FA in April 1998.

FA causes aplastic anemia (bone marrow failure), as well as many different types of cancers.

She had a few of the obvious signs of FA: missing both thumbs, deaf in her right ear, very small for her age, and had corrective surgery at birth on her intestines.

Dianna had a sibling donor bone marrow transplant at Medical City Dallas, TX.

Transplant date: October 1, 2008

Dianna went to heaven September 1, 2009


126 Edgewood Dr.
Lewisville, TX 75067
Phone #: 972-436-4816

Normal Blood Count Range:
White blood count: (normal 4.5-13.5)
Red blood count: (normal 4.0-5.20)
HGB: (normal 11.5-15.5)
Platelets: (normal 140-440)
ABS NEUT#: (normal 1.50-6.50)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day + 316

Today was NOT a good day...
We had a "Care Conference" with Dianna's doctors-
to see if all the doctors are on the same page with Dianna's care.
The three doctors that were in the room all said that they felt that there is nothing more they know to do to help Dianna.
She is not getting any better-
her blood pressure is unstable even with high doses of blood pressure medications
and they have not been able to take off enough fluid with the dialysis machine.
Each day she ends up being positive fluid for the day.
The doctors feel that her veins may be leaking fluid into her body tissue. ???
She does not have an infection, but she is not getting better.
Her hematologist said that the bone marrow transplant was successful,
but that she still needs transfusions due to being so sick from the kidney failure.
I think that Dianna is getting tired of hurting and fighting.
Her body is very weak, but she is still fighting.
*I do not want her to suffer!*
*God, please take care of my baby!*


Martha Shultz said...

Prayer for a miracle is in action!! We love you and Dianna so much, and so does Jesus. He WILL take care of her. Martha

Rebekah said...

Praying for you. May God give you strength.

Melissa G said...

Love and peace to you all...I will say as many prayers as I can for healing!

Charisse said...

Hello Nanette,
I am really sorry about the kind of day that you had. I am really sorry about all Dianna has been through and you as well. Dianna is an amazing fighter and I want you to know that we have not stopped praying for your dear girl. I continue to pray that Jesus will comfort her and be with her. He will not leave her. He is looking after her. I pray that Jesus will continue to give you an amazing strength. You have had a tough journey (((HUGS)))
Love Charisse

Karen BeTheChange said...

What a warrior Dianna has been through all of this! My heart just breaks for all she's been through, and all you have had to witness on this roller coaster of a ride. May God be with your medical team, giving them expertise, compassion, and answers; May He be with you, your family, friends, and all the FA families...giving strength, courage, perseverance, hope in the future, and rock-solid faith; and may he esp. be with sweet Dianna, carrying her through this most difficult time. Hugs.

Wesley's Mom said...

No, no, no. She has to make it through this. I know you don't want her to suffer anymore. I am so very sorry. I don't know what to say.

Karlysmom said...

Nanette & Family:
Continuing to pray hard for sweet Dianna, for healing. Praying for y'all too for peace, comfort, strength and wisdom. You are never alone, the Lord is always there to hold you up. Wishing I could be there to hold your hand and give you a big hug....
Nancy Ross

Unknown said...

I can not imagine what you or Dianna have been through. I do know that God's hand is on Dianna and we pray that He will give you peace and the strength you need. Dianna is definately the bravest little girl I will ever meet. God has shown himself to us so many times through her. We love each and everyone of you and will be praying that God's will be done and that he give you and Dianna the courage and peace you need.

Unknown said...

Dianna -- Your mom & I were friends in high school. I feel like I know you from all the stories your mom post on-line. I am praying for you to feel better soon.

Ani Durham said...

Hi, you don't know me, but I am Teresa Clifton's sister (Emma's auntie), and I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you and your family.
God bless all of you.

Brett & Missy Beebe said...

We are sorry for everything Dianna, you, and your family is going through. You are all in our thoughts and prayers

Judy said...

Hello Nanette, I just wanted to drop a little line and let you know that I am praying for Dianna as well as you and your whole family. I will continue to pray for healing and for strength.
Judy Smith
Mom of Angel John Cooper Smith, FA

Elias! said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We are so sorry you are enduring this. We are praying for the miracle and that one day there is a cure for FA so these children do not have to suffer so. Dianna and your family have so many people praying for you that we hope you can feel comfort in some way.

Momma Bear said...

Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Praying for strength, courage, and wisdom. And for peace that can only come from God.

Blessings and Bear Hugs,